
Dashboard management in our multi-school management involves creating and maintaining user-friendly, informative, and customizable dashboards for various stakeholders, including administrators, teachers, students, and parents. These dashboards offer a visual summary of key information and functionalities within the system.

User Role-Based Dashboards: Customize dashboards for different user roles, such as administrators, teachers, students, and parents, to provide relevant and personalized information.

Data Widgets: Include widgets or modules that display information on various aspects, such as attendance, student performance, events, announcements, and more.

Customization: It allow users to customize their dashboards by adding or removing widgets and rearranging them according to their preferences.

Calendar Integration: Includes a calendar displaying important dates, events, and deadlines.

Student and Teacher Profiles: Access to student and teacher profiles for administrators and teachers.

Performance Metrics: Display key performance metrics, including student attendance, grades, and progress.

Homework and Assignments: Shows assigned homework, assignments, and submission deadlines.

News and Announcements: Keeps users informed about school news, updates, and important announcements.

Mobile Compatibility: Ensures that the dashboard is responsive and accessible on mobile devices.

Custom Widget Creation: Allow for the creation of custom widgets by administrators or users with appropriate permissions.