
Multi-role permission management in our multi-school management system is for ensuring that the right users have appropriate access to the system's features and data. It is essential for maintaining security, data integrity, and effective data governance within a school management system. It ensures that users have appropriate access to information and functionalities, enhancing the overall efficiency and security of the system.

Role-Based Access Control: Establish a role-based permission system where different user roles have different levels of access.

User Roles: Define various user roles, such as administrators, teachers, students, parents, and staff.

Permission Levels: Assign different permission levels to each role, specifying what they can and cannot do within the system.

Custom Roles: Allow for the creation of custom roles with specific permissions as needed.

Access Control Lists: Utilize Access control lists to manage granular permissions for specific resources and actions.

Data Access Permissions: Controlled access to student records, financial data, and other sensitive information.

Role Assignment: Allow administrators to assign roles to users individually or in batches.
Role Inheritance: Implemented role inheritance, where a user in a higher role inherits permissions from lower roles.

User-Based Restrictions: We have applied user-specific restrictions within roles based on individual needs or circumstances.

Role-Based Dashboards: Customized dashboards for users based on their roles to streamline access to relevant information.